Wednesday, October 2, 2013



Lying awake
The digital numbers change as each minute passes piercing the darkness with their glow.
Praying for sleep to come quickly
Mind racing over the past day’s events; please quiet now
Fighting the temptation to allow them to steal tomorrow’s joy
Waiting. . .tossing. . . thinking. . . remembering
Memories tumble in - just souvenirs of who was; what was
A different time, past, a different era
Simpler times
Tears attempt a brief appearance
Swallowing they disappear
Souvenirs are meant to be kept
Buried in memorabilia
Smiling. . .
It’s morning
It’s time
Tuck the souvenirs safely away once more.
They will be needed again.
Perhaps tonight.

-          Rhonda


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Sometimes memory is a warm coat, and sometimes it is a hair shirt. But either way, we can rest (even when we can't sleep) knowing He is in charge. blessings to you.


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