Tuesday, December 6, 2011

There's a Sense of Urgency. Can you Feel It?

There is such urgency in our world. Can you feel it?  

            “The nation of Egypt is at a critical juncture. Iran’s Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad are convinced that the End of Days has come. They believe the Shia messiah known as the “Twelfth Imam” or the “Mahdi” will appear soon to establish a global Islamic kingdom known as the caliphate.” (Joel C.  Rosenberg)

            “New details are emerging about Israeli preparations for a possible first strike on Iran. Aides to Netanyahu tell me no decision has been made and Israel’s policy hasn’t changed. What’s more, there is outrage in and around the Israeli government about leaks that some are calling “treasonous.” One thing is certain, events are moving quickly.” (Joel C.  Rosenberg)

            Terrorists lurking in places we wouldn’t think to look and unreliable intel doesn’t make me feel like the US is a safe place. Instability and uncertainty describe our own economy and political climate and, coupled with the desperation and unrest within our borders these past months, we find ourselves asking, “What’s next?”

            Joel C. Rosenberg is a messianic Jew and an author that, once you start reading one of his books, you cannot put it down.  I totally trust his knowledge of the mid East happenings, but 2000 years ago, there was the same sense of urgency in the world.  There was unrest in the Middle East, yet most people feared the Roman Empire and just complained and prayed for relief.  The Jews were being persecuted then, too, but at that time, they were responsible for what was happening to them due to the fact that they had fallen into idolatry and disobedience – two things with which God has always taken issue.  The Jews were complaining and crying out for deliverance from their oppressors; they were looking for a Messiah - much like today – nothing has changed.  But God remained silent for about four hundred years.  Talk about a long wait for an answer to your prayers!

            When it seemed as though there was absolutely no hope, Gabriel (God’s personal messenger angel) brought a message to young teenage girl, probably about fourteen years old, and told her that she was the one who would be used in God’s plan to deliver Israel.

            While Israel kept hounding God to send a mighty warrior to defend and deliver His people, they totally missed the fact that He had another plan! They were looking for a deliverer who would eliminate the Roman Empire that had enslaved and oppressed them; one who would come to earth and set up his kingdom and rule with a sword and an iron fist. Never did they expect that God would choose a chaste young virgin from the tribe of Judah, to deliver a baby boy who came into the world by way of a virgin – who came not to set up an earthly kingdom but to set up a kingdom of love in men’s hearts. (Isaiah 7:14) But God remained silent for many years . . .

            Feel the urgency?  When Mary told her fiancĂ© that she was pregnant, he hurried to get her to a place where she could wait out her pregnancy (Unwed motherhood was really frowned upon back then!) Then, of course you’ve heard the story – an angel paid Joseph a visit so he knew, then, that Mary was telling the truth.  (Matthew 1:18-20) Just when it was getting close for Mary to deliver her son, Caesar insisted that everyone go back to their cities of origin to pay taxes – now! (Luke 1:26-56; 2:1)

            Feel the urgency?  You didn’t dare disobey Caesar!  It would mean your head for his collection.  And, Roman soldiers were not known for their compassion.  But, of course, it was all in the plan.  Being good citizens, Joseph obeyed and packed up Mary and headed to Bethlehem.  It wasn’t just a few hours drive on the freeway; it was a long, tedious, hard and difficult trip.  Just outside the city, Mary went into hard labor.  They tried the hotels along the strip, but they were no vacancies.

            Feel the urgency? In desperation, Joseph tried one last place.  The hotel manager directed him out back behind the hotel, to a stable or open cave where the service animals were kept.  (Luke 2:6-7) Joseph put their blankets on the straw next to the feeding trough (manger), helped Mary to get as comfortable as a woman in the final stages of labor could be, and Mary began her final work in labor to bring our Savior into a world where very few would accept His love or His message.
                    Feel the urgency?  At the specific time of the miracle of Israel’s answered prayer, a (scientifically proven) nova (http://newsinfo.iu.edu/OCM/packages/bethstar.html and http://epistle.us/articles/star.html) took place in our galaxy and yes, a star shone brightly above the lowly place where baby Jesus was born in Bethlehem.  I cannot imagine how a group of men, whose job it was to take care of sheep, felt when first they saw the star nova and along with it, the night skies became as bright as mid day and heavenly beings filled that bright sky declaring that Israel’s prayers had been answered. (Luke 2:8-18)

            Feel the urgency?  The shepherds wasted no time getting to the “birthing suite”.  They felt that same sense of urgency.  How did they know which baby it was?  By his outfit, of course!  Swaddling cloths!  (Luke 2:16-17)

            Can you feel the urgency? It was time for the Hebrew ritual of circumcision when Jesus was eight days old.  As they walked up the steps to the temple to meet with the priest who would perform the ritual, elderly prophets to whom God had promised that they would behold His salvation rushed to Jesus, Mary and Joseph, having no introduction and proclaimed that He was the savior of promise.  (Luke 2: 21-38) 

            Eleven years later, Jesus and His parents took a trip to Jerusalem for the Hebrew Passover and to visit with family and friends.  On their way home, they looked in the back donkey and Jesus was nowhere to be found.  Feel the urgency?  A frantic mother and father raced back to Jerusalem searching and yelling His name, “Jesus! Jesus!  Where are you?”  He was found, safe and sound, doing what came natural to Him – teaching!

            “Follow me”, he said to twelve men.  They felt the urgency.  They followed Him at first with wondering skepticism, but as they learned His ways, watched his compassion in ministry to thousands, felt His love, listened intently as He spoke life in His teachings, and walked in His footsteps for the next three years, it became apparent that His work, at least His physical work in this life, was over and they were feeling the urgency that He was, in fact, going to leave their physical presence.

            Feel the urgency?  His blood completely spilled out, it was finished.  He said so with His last breath.  His lifeless body laid in a borrowed tomb until, with an urgency that rivals that very last push a mother gives in birthing her child, life sprang back into His body and He burst forth from that tomb with such radiance that His image was forever burned into the cloths that covered his body in burial.

            Feel the urgency?  As he spent a brief time on earth with his friends and family assuring them of His continued presence in their lives through the power of His Spirit, He then ascended to heaven leaving his followers to spread the good news of His love, His atonement for their sins, His soon return.

            Feel the urgency?  Do you feel the urgency of a loving savior tugging at your heart inviting you to celebrate His birthday with the “family” this year?  Do you feel the urgency to answer the knock at your heart’s door?  Yes, there is an urgency in our every day lives.  We live on the edge. The urgency that was so prevalent 2000 years ago is still trying to get our attention today.  If I could cause a star to nova so that your eyes would be opened to truth, I would do it so that you could experience the overwhelming love explode in your heart bringing to you new life and purpose, just as the birth of the savior exploded into a darkened, lost world and bathed it with the light of His love.

            Feel the urgency?  It could just be that Christ  (the baby born so long ago) whose birthday is the reason we celebrate this season, is tugging at your heart, speaking and whispering love to your spirit, “come follow me”.

            Do you feel the urgency?  He said, “"Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill fitting on you. Keep Company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly."  (Matthew 11:29-30 The Message)

            This Christmas, as you feel the urgency of the season, put your trust in One who can calm the urgency, who loves you and you need to know that if YOU were the only one in this world, He still would have come, as a baby, and go through it all – just for you!

            "This is how much God loved the world: He gave his Son, his one and only Son. And this is why: so that no one need be destroyed; by believing in him, anyone can have a whole and lasting life. God didn't go to all the trouble of sending his Son merely to point an accusing finger, telling the world how bad it was. He came to help, to put the world right again. Anyone who trusts in him is acquitted. . .” (John 3:16-17 The Message)

          Christmas blessings!


Grasshoppers and Giants

GRASSHOPPERS AND GIANTS In May 1972, I was preparing to begin a new chapter in my life as I was graduating from Bible College and prepari...