Monday, April 23, 2012

Smashed and Remolded

As true followers of Christ, we do not need to be reminded that our life is not often the utopia we always want it to be.  I remember many years ago reading a poem that began, "God has not promised skies always blue, nor flower strewn pathways all our life through. . ."

Most of my life has been spent learning, growing, falling down and getting back up again, forgiving, trying to forgive, forgetting, accepting and moving on. If we stand still, we simply become stagnant and of no worth.

What I sometimes forget is that there is a sovereign or master Potter who is working the clay in my life as He pleases. I have watched master potters at work in the mountains of Georgia and I have watched students in our high school learning pottery work a blob of clay.  As they begin to masterfully fashion the blob of clay into a useful vessel, suddenly and without seemingly apparent reason, they smash the vessel into a blob and start all over again.  Each time they do this, the clay becomes entirely different.  I've learned that with gifted potters, there is a reason not seen or known to those who watch from afar, as to why the potter smashed the vessel that to me appeared near perfection. But each time they start over, and over, and over, the vessel becomes better and better each time.

The prophet Isaiah in chapter 64 had a pretty good idea of what our Father, our Master Potter, is trying to do in our lives.  "But now, O Lord, you are our Father; we are the clay, and you are our potter; we are all the work of your hand." (v.8 ESV) He is the one who is shaping us and molding us into the image of His Son.  When we look in the "mirror" or others look from afar and think we look pretty good, be ready to get slammed back onto the pottery wheel of life to be remade, refashioned into a more beautiful and more useful vessel - one through which His great love can flow; one in which He can fill so that you will empty out that love, pour out His message of salvation and start over again.

And, by the way, that poem that I mention above, ends with these words, "but God has promised His undying presence and unfailing love."  May I find myself each day as clay, able to be molded and shaped in the hands of our Skillful Designer, a vessel fit for the Master's use.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

"He Knows the Wounds of Humanity. His Hands Prove It"

He knows the wounds of humanity. His hands prove it.

“Behold, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands. . .” Isaiah 49:16 ESV 
As I was reading this scripture, I thought of the quote Philip Yancey used in quoting Newton that spoke so openly of Jesus – “He knows the wounds of humanity. His hands prove it.

Isaac Newton said, "In the absence of any other proof, the thumb alone would convince me of God's existence." Noted surgeon and author, Paul Brand, stated that after 40 years as a surgeon specializing in hands, I am tempted to agree [with Isaac Newton]. Nothing in all nature rivals the hand's combination of strength and agility, tolerance and sensitivity. We use our hands for the most wonderful activities: amazing works of art, masterpieces of music, inspirational writing, healing, holding our precious children, touching the cheeks of those we love . . . I could go on, but you get the idea.

My hands were severely injured in years past and I have had several surgeries to correct those injuries.  There are numerous wires, rods, screws, and pins holding my hands and forearm together and those surgeries required immobilizing plaster and fiberglass casts to be worn each time, sometimes as long as six to nine months.  So, I do know the importance of having full use of one’s hands.

When people go to concerts and athletic events, they pay to watch a performance; they listen to the music or watch the show.  But if you pay attention to detail as I do, you may watch hands. A piano performance becomes a ballet of fingers—a magnificent little part of our body. When I was young, I was a drummer in band. On stage, I always watched the movements of all the hands playing the various instruments.

Dr. Brand had stated that, unless you have tried to reproduce just one small twitch of the hand mechanically, you cannot fully appreciate its movements. He would often have his medical students or surgeons analyze the motion of one finger. He would hold before them a dissected cadaver hand, with its trailing strands of sinew, and announce that he would move the tip of the little finger.
To do so, he would place the cadaver hand on a table, sorting through the tangle of tendons and muscles sharing with the students that it takes seventy separate muscles to contribute to hand movements. I was amazed as I read how the dexterity and slimness for actions such as piano playing, were caused by tendons transferring the force from muscles higher in the arm, because the finger has no muscle in itself.  He did all of these demonstrations with a cadaver hand to illustrate ways to repair a hand surgically. In more than 40 years of and more than 10,000 hand surgeries, he never found a single technique to improve a normal, healthy hand.

Based on Dr. Brand’s illustration and professional medical opinions, you can see why he and why I, after studying through the work of the hands, certainly agree with Isaac Newton. There have been mechanical marvels when it comes to prosthetics and the advances modern medicine has made with artificial mobility but, even with all of science, those medical devices are merely like a Play Doh sculpture compared to a Michelangelo masterpiece when it comes to the masterpiece of our hands.

It is no wonder then that for me, as a Christian, during this, the most solemn week of Christendom, in addition to reflecting on Christ’s supreme sacrifice for each of us, I reflect on the hands of Jesus.
Painters down through the ages have attempted to visualize the face of Jesus Christ on canvas; I try to visualize his hands. I can just imagine his hands at various stages of his life. When God's Son entered the world in the form of a human body, what were his hands like?

It is difficult for one to conceive of our God taking on the form of an infant, but our faith declares that he once had the tiny, soft, pink hands of a newborn. G. K. Chesterton expressed the paradox this way, 'The hands that had made the sun and stars were too small to reach the huge heads of the cattle." His hands were once too small to change his own clothes or put food in his mouth. Just like every other baby, he had miniature fingernails, little wrinkles around his knuckles, and skin so soft skin that had not known abrasion or roughness. God's Son experienced infant helplessness.
My dad, among other things was also quite a carpenter, so it is easy for me to imagine that Jesus, as an adolescent, learned that trade in his father's shop. The skin on his hands must have developed many calluses and tender spots.

Once he began his earthly ministry, he had the hands of Christ the physician. The Bible tells us strength flowed from them when he healed people. He preferred to perform his miracles one by one, touching each person he healed, not en mass.

Jesus touched eyes that had dried out and they suddenly became alive again and admitted light and color once more. When he once he touched a woman who suffered with a hemorrhage, he knew that Jewish law forbade it lest he would become unclean, but he did it anyway. He touched her. He healed and he touched those with leprosy—people who no one else would touch or come near. In small and very personal ways, his hands made right that which had been disrupted during creation.

Of course, the most important scene in Jesus' life—the one we memorialize most during Passion Week— involved his hands. Those hands that had done so much good were taken, one at a time, and pierced through with a six-inch thick spike. It is mind boggling to visualize this scene.
Dr. Brand  indicated to Yancey that, during surgery he would cut delicately, using scalpel blades that slice through one layer of tissue at a time, to expose the intricacies of nerves and blood vessels and tiny bones and tendons and muscles inside. He knows well what crucifixion must have done to a human hand.

“Roman executioners drove their spikes through the wrist, right through the carpal tunnel that houses finger-controlling tendons and the median nerve. It is impossible to force a spike there without maiming the hand into a claw shape. And Jesus had no anesthetic as his hands were marred and destroyed.” [Brand]

In my finite mind, it is nearly impossible for me to visualize his weight hanging from them, tearing his tissue, releasing his blood. Has there ever been a more helpless image than that of the Son of God hanging paralyzed from a tree? His disciples, who had believed he was the promised One, the Messiah, cowered in the darkness or hid away.

However, that is not the last glimpse of Jesus’ hands in the New Testament scripture. He appeared again, in a closed room, just as Thomas (who was one of his disciples) was disputing the unlikely story he thought his friends had made up. People do not rise from the dead he [Thomas] retorted sarcastically. He declared that they had seen a ghost, or an illusion.

But imagine Thomas‘ surprise, when Jesus appeared and unmistakingly held up his hands for Thomas and the others to see.  They belonged to him, the same one who had died on the cross. Although his body had been changed in certain ways, his scars remained. Jesus even invited Thomas to come and touch them with his own fingers.

Thomas then responded simply, "My Lord and my God!"  It is important to note that this is first recorded entry that one of Jesus' disciples directly addressed him as God. Most importantly, this assertion came in response to visualizing Jesus wounds -  Jesus' hands.

Throughout all of history, millions of people have had faith to cling to the belief that there is a God who understands all human dilemma; that pain we endure on this earth is not meaningless. Our prayers are being heard. In passion, as followers of Christ, we focus on the supreme event when God demonstrated for all time that he knows our pain.

As a reminder of his time on earth, Jesus chose scars in each hand as the prophet Isaiah had said. “ I have engraved you on the palms of my hands. . .” Isaiah 49:16 ESV.  What I have written is a large part of why I believe God hears and understands our pain, like no other—because he kept those scars as a lasting image of our wounded humanity. He knows what life on earth is like. He understands because he has been here. His hands prove it.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Good Friday. . . What is "good" about it?

Good Friday. . . What is "Good" about it?

“That man is successful who has lived well, laughed often, and loved much, who has gained the respect of the intelligent men and the love of children; who has filled his niche and accomplished his task; who leaves the world better than he found it, whether by an improved poppy, a perfect poem, or a rescued soul; who never lacked appreciation of earth’s beauty or failed to express it; who looked for the best in others and gave the best he had.” – Robert Louis Stevenson

The Bible explains that we all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. (Romans 3:23).

“For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Romans 6:23).

Through the Old Testament into the New, the prophets foretold Jesus’ death. Through the coming Messiah, God sent the one would take the place for us because “He so loved the world.” John 3:16

In Isaiah 53:3-5 we read, “He was despised and rejected by men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief; and as one from whom men hide their faces he was despised, and we esteemed him not. Surely he took up our pain and bore our suffering, yet we considered him punished by God, stricken by him, and afflicted. But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed.”

As Easter approaches, I’m reminded of my own purpose in life. How am I living? What role do I play in this life? We may convince ourselves that we are smart enough, good enough, or brave enough to run with the wolves, but it’s an illusion.

On this holy Friday, we become witnesses to the greatest sacrifice there ever was. It’s the day that Christ died in atonement for our sins. He became the living sacrifice which offers us a bridge to our Heavenly Father.

Who are we that He would love us that much?

Jesus came for a purpose. He came to die so that we may live.

In this knowledge, I’m fully aware that we are all descendants from kings. We have to live this life in such a way that we stand up to be who we are in Christ. We each have a purpose in life; a reason for being.

As we enter this holy weekend and celebrate the death and resurrection of our Savior, we can embrace His truth.

“It was now about noon, and darkness came over the whole land until three in the afternoon, for the sun stopped shining. And the curtain of the temple was torn in two. Jesus called out with a loud voice, “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit.” When he had said this, he breathed his last. (Luke 23:44-46)

Dwight L. Moody once said, “The valley of the shadow of death holds no darkness for the child of God. There must be light, else there could be no shadow. Jesus is the light. He has overcome death.”

And that, my Friends, is everything that is "good" about good Friday!

Have a blessed, thought provoking, spirit revealing weekend!

Grasshoppers and Giants

GRASSHOPPERS AND GIANTS In May 1972, I was preparing to begin a new chapter in my life as I was graduating from Bible College and prepari...