Thursday, September 18, 2014

In Celebration of Autumn

The very last days of summer struggle to bring warmth to the cooling of the autumnal earth in the north Midwest as the crayon box colorful leaves attempt to hold their grip on branches ready to release them to dance in the light winds as they drift earthward. 
I celebrate Autumn. It is my favorite season.

“ . . . Here I stand in wonder of this
A soft wind blows to me a kiss
My spirit tells my mind to hush
Peace abounds in Christ for us.
The seasons change, come and go
But this is what I truly know
When autumn leaves begin to fall
I think of Him most of all.” ~Kathleen Higham~

I love the autumn sights –
The mountains arrayed in splendor of color,
The ripe red and yellow apples begging to be picked,
The mums adorning porch steps along with corn stalks and scare crows,
Flocks of Canadian geese in formation landing on our lake to rest before continuing their journey southward.

And, I love the smells of Fall –
Fresh apple sauce, fresh apple pie and dumplings with cinnamon ice cream,
Hot-mulled cider simmering on the stove,
Hayfields with freshly baled hay stacks,
Wood burning in backyard fire pits sending their resplendent fragrances into the night air.

Awaken my senses -
Let my mind drift easily back to autumn times that were simpler. 

Running through leaf piles and rolling down backyard hills in Pennsylvania with cousins,
Dashing the mile to home from the school bus stop to play outdoors in the quickly fading sunlight amid the vibrant colors still cling to sparsely clustered branches
Sitting down to supper of bowls filled with steamy beef stew over mashed potatoes from the garden. 
Waving goodbye in the crisp autumn air and starting a new chapter in my life

Settling into a college dorm on a beautiful little campus nestled in the picturesque hills of Pennsylvania
Sitting high in a restaurant overlooking the splendor of Autumn’s beauty surrounding Niagara Falls
A little boy, together with his dog, peeping out from beneath a mound of freshly raked leaves

Huddled beneath soccer blankets in moist, crisp, autumn air cheering on the Bulldogs
Standing at the altar admiring the fragrant Fall flowers of friends joining their loves and lives

Saying goodbye to an old, dear friend lowered into the autumn earth amid rustling leaves beneath blue skies. . . .

Ahhhhh. . . .Autumn. . .

“For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven. . . a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted; He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has put eternity into man's heart. . .” Ecclesiastes 3:1, 2, 11
“While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease.” Gen 8:22

Thank you, dear God, for reminders of your infinite love and care for us through the beauty and color of this season.  -RS

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Last Day

A few tears
"I'll never forget you."
"You were my favorite teacher. Can I come back and visit you?"
"I wish I had 100 students like you." 
"I'll pray for you."
It's the end of another school year - it's over.
It will never be the same.
Tassels turned
Mortarboards thrown in jubilation 
Photos endured
Invitations given
Parties enjoyed
For some, the end of a chapter in their book of life.
For those, also, the beginning of a new life's chapter.
The quiet solitude - books counted, cupboards locked, desk cleaned
Computers dimmed
Bare walls
Summers best to colleagues - salutes to the lucky retirees
Smiles and good times remembered
Lights out
Door closed and locked
Deep breath 
Walking the long hall - slowly exhale
I've made it.
School's out for the summer!
- Rhonda

"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. . ." (Proverbs 1:7 ESV)

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

God's Got This!

When you’re 3-1/2 years old, you fear nothing. And sometimes, no one.  It seems we grow our fears as we grow up.  Last evening, I took Sophia grocery shopping with me. Normally, she is a little wiggle worm with an enchanting smile and sparkling eyes.  Last evening, she was unusually well behaved; didn’t argue too much about riding in the grocery cart; walked beside me and held my hand – not tugging to run  and helped me buckle her into the car seat in the back seat of my car.  During our little adventure, there was no need for Sophia to fear.  She was holding Mimi’s hand and she knew I would protect her.  As she grows up, she should develop healthy fears like most little girls – about strangers; crossing busy streets; first days of school; first dates. . .but for now, Mimi was there. I would protect her!

Our heavenly Father is just that way.  He holds our hand as we grow up in Him.  We may want to whine a little, pull back or tug to go faster, but He just holds our hand and gently insists that we walk beside Him.  He will keep us safe.  He promised. For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways. In their hands they will bear you up, lest you strike your foot against a stone. You will tread on the lion and the adder; the young lion and the serpent you will trample underfoot.” (Psalm 91:11-13)

Unfortunately, though, unlike my granddaughter, I have fears. . .some are good for me.  I have a healthy fear of my heavenly Father that I do not want to displease Him. Do I practice the presence of God in my life each day? Do I let his light shine through?  What will the world be like for my children and my grandchildren in the years to come.  As I age, will I be able to continue to work and provide for my family?  Will I fall prey to “things” that plague aging adults?  With my orthopedic issues over the years, will I be able to walk and use my hands?

And then I remember. . .God’s got this!  Over the years, He lovingly wrote me a long “Letter” to remind me of just that.   I need only to pull it out and read it whenever my unfounded or unhealthy fears attempt to overwhelm me.  In Isaiah 26:3, He reminds me, “You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you.” And in Philippians 4:7-8, I know that, “. . . the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus, and finally. . . whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.
Just as I know I would never let go of my granddaughter’s hand and would protect her, I know that my Heavenly Father does the same for me – always.  I just have to hold to His hand and be reminded of His promises.  Yep, God’s got this!  -RS

Sunday, May 18, 2014

What a Character!

As a little girl, and quite honestly, even as an adult, I have often been referred to as a character. Aunts and Uncles would say to my Mom, “She’s quite a character, isn’t she?”  And, teachers at parent-teacher conferences would say, “Your daughter is quite a character at times.”  Oh, granted, I could be a stinker.  I could agitate another child to the point of tears or terrors – that included my older brother, friends, classmates, cousins, or anyone that I felt was easy prey.  I just liked to have fun.  I was often a joker, a clown of sorts – sometimes it was to hide my own inferiority, insecurities, fears, and inadequacies.  Sometimes, however, I was just being “me”!

The dictionary defines “character” as the aggregate of features and traits that form the individual nature of some person or thing.  Further down the definition reads: “qualities of honesty, courage, or the like; integrity”.  Hmmhmm. . .I did look a lot like my father. . .so I was always told. 

Proverbs 11:6 (MSG) Good character is the best insurance. . .and Proverbs 20:3 (MSG) it’s a mark of good character to avert quarrelsome.  Some people will equate character with integrity and there are numerous scripture references to concur.

Hebrews 1:3 presents character in a way that when someone says to me today, “you’re a character!” I rather smile for the Greek word character used in this scripture is the word charaktér. The scripture represents Jesus as the “exact impression” of the nature of God.  Used here it means a stamp or impression that was used in the first century to refer to the “character” or impression made by a seal or a die-cut like an engraver would use to me the exact impression of a seal or letter.  Jesus Christ is exactly like His father and revealed the Father when He walked on this earth.  In John 14:9 we read “To see me is to see the Father.” Over the past two years, our ladies’ Bible study has studied the character of God through Worship in the Old Testament Tabernacle and most recently in the Feasts of the Tabernacle.  Wow!

I’ve thought a lot about the character I’ve become. And while I know that the word “become” is a process so I am still “becoming”, but, I wonder, “do I reflect the “exact impression” of the One about whom I have spent years of my life studying; who was willing to give His all, to willingly sacrifice and lay down His life so that I might be able to have a life? I have always looked like my earthly father.  I have his hair, his eyes and many of his features and mannerisms. When my oldest son was a little boy, many would say how very much he looked like us.

As children grow, we do hope they take on our good charaktér. How much more, then, as we grow in our faith, does our Father want us to take on His charaktér?  I have the traits of my dad, his work ethic, his honesty, his integrity, his sincerity, and his logical abilities. . .do I have the traits like my heavenly father as well?  Do I have his features of compassion, of love, of caring. . .am I a charaktér?  An exact impression of Jesus? 

In the book of Acts, we read that the word “Christian” (literally ‘little Christ’) was coined first in Antioch.  While it is true that this was a mocking term, I am certain that it came about because the disciples had charaktér, the impression of their Father stamped indelibly in each of them. 

When anyone now says, “you are a character!” I think to myself, “yes, I am a charaktér . . .I am the image of my Father – my heavenly Father and it doesn’t bother me one bit to be a character or a Christian for in so doing, I am letting the world around me know that I belong to a family – one that is out of this world! - RS

Grasshoppers and Giants

GRASSHOPPERS AND GIANTS In May 1972, I was preparing to begin a new chapter in my life as I was graduating from Bible College and prepari...