Does it ever happen to you? It happens to me and I hate to admit it. Sometimes, when I pray, my mind begins to wander. I talk to God just as I write – unpretentious – and I know He always hears. But, sometimes when I am singing a worship song or a song of praise, I fail to hear or think carefully about the words flowing from my mouth. Then, a pang of guilt strikes and everything gradually shifts back into focus – I center my mind totally on praising and worshipping my Savior trying to be certain that my words are more than just “pretty words”; or I continue my pursuit of seeking God’s leading and asking His will for my life (even if just for the day or the moment). And. . .I remember – I remember the blessings in my life that I take for granted every day: my salvation, a loving husband, three great children, two adorable granddaughters, some of the best friends in the world, my terrific church where I can worship with others who share my faith, my job, my home, good food – I could go on but I think you get the point.
Psalm 143:5 I remember the days of long ago; I meditate on all your works and consider what your hands have done.
Do you remember? Can you remember the last time when you enjoyed pure, focused on your Savior, worship and praise? Can you remember the last time you truly enjoyed a 1:1 conversation with God when nothing or no one else was competing for your attention – not the kids, not your husband, not a friend, not your pet, your students, your employer?
It happens to all of us – we are human – we are consumed with our lives and all that pulls and tugs on us. It is important to make a concentrated effort to meditate - to put it all aside – it’s as if your spirit can breathe in His presence. But oh the blessings when we do. When we put forth even the smallest effort, when we reach just a bit, we will be blessed beyond anything we can think or imagine.
So, take time to remember – to meditate – to have a personal conversation with God – and if your mind wanders or you lose focus. . .just come on back and finish your visit with Him. You won’t regret it.
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